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What are the benefits of dried Montmorency tart cherries and Montmorency tart cherry juice?
Tart cherries are a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and contain a significant quantity of flavonoids, including anthocyanins, which have antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties.

The unique combination of vitamins and minerals give Montmorency cherries restorative properties that can reduce muscle soreness and recover muscle strength. Additionally, Montmorency cherries contain melatonin, which improves the quality and duration of sleep and restfulness. 

Is there a best time to consume dried Montmorency tart cherries or tart cherry juice?

Montmorency tart cherries can be consumed any time of day! They can be part of a breakfast or a pick-me-up after a workout. Plus, dried Montmorency tart cherries or juice an hour before bedtime could aid in getting a good night’s sleep. 

Will Montmorency tart cherries make me sleepy?
No. But the naturally occurring melatonin in Montmorency tart cherries will help optimize your sleep cycle, helping you sleep better. 

Are there benefits of Montmorency tart cherries that other performance beverages or snacks don’t have?
Yes, fruitHaven’s Montmorency cherries have many benefits, including:


Consumed daily, Montmorency tart cherries can speed up muscle recovery and reduce soreness by combating systemic inflammation.


The latest in sports nutrition and supplements show that natural foods may work as well as, or better than, manufactured supplements, without the negative side effects.


Montmorency tart cherries contain a high concentration of anthocyanin, a flavonoid with similar anti-inflammatory properties to anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen.


Montmorency tart cherries are one of the best-known natural sleep aids. Researchers have found that it increases melatonin levels in the body and enhances sleep. 

What makes fruitHaven’s juices and snacks different?
fruitHaven’s natural juices and snacks are all natural, non-GMO, and contain no preservatives or added sugar. For over 15 years, studies have shown that tart cherry juice contains anti-inflammatories that help prevent muscle damage, muscle soreness, and enhance recovery from exercise. Tart cherry juice’s proven ability to manage inflammation, which occurs with repeated bouts of working out, is why it has been the restorative and recovery drink for around the world for years. 

Are there benefits to drinking MTC even if I don’t work out?
Even if you’re not as physically active as those who work out, consuming Montmorency tart cherries on a daily basis enhances blood flow and its powerful antioxidants target inflammation.

Are fruitHaven juices and snacks gluten free?
All fruitHaven beverages and dried fruit are gluten free.

Are fruitHaven Montmorency cherries Non-GMO?
fruithaven uses only Non-GMO Montmorency cherries in its juices and dried fruit. 

Do fruitHaven dried fruits contain artificial ingredients?
All four fruitHaven varieties of dried fruits … Dried Cherries, Dried Blueberries, Dried Cranberries, and Cherry Berry … contain all-natural ingredients.